

blog… news… upcoming events…

Posts tagged regular psot.
obligatory first post


so i figured now that i have a web site i should probably, you know, put stuff on it- and as much as like, the long-ass pages of various paintings/illustrations/zines are fun to look at, it’s kind of hard to keep this bad boy as a living document without inevitably losing some stuff along the way. hence: blog. this way i can post little sketches and such that don’t belong in another collated page and also keep yon audience up to date on what i’m working on and what to look forward to in the future.

pupshaw, a little guy i’m probably going to get tattooed this weekend. (don’t tell my mom.)

pupshaw, a little guy i’m probably going to get tattooed this weekend. (don’t tell my mom.)

if you’re seeing this after meeting me at the most recent expozine endeavour: hi! if you’re not: hi anyway! the outdoor expozine extra thing was super fun and i’m so glad i spent my weekend hangin out and sellin’ zines. thank you everyone for ur patronage and helping me get all the tarot decks that have been collecting dust in my apartment out of my apartment and into your little hands. also thank you for letting me know that making more t-shirts is DEFINITELY something i should do for future events!

which brings me to the Currently Working On section. i’m the kind of person who scoots from project to project with wild abandon, which is why it’s been taking me a while to put out any new zines. my deepest apologies; i’ve been suffering from a bad case of scrambled egg brain thanks to the pandemic and also not going outside and also having simultaneously not enough and way too many new ideas.

in any case, i’m currently mostly focusing on three projects: a) the third layer (aka the sequel to the second layer), a zine that’s continuing the heavy metaphorical journey of the hundred-named through the process of transformation and rebirth; b) long-sleeved linoprinted t-shirts, which i’ve mostly designed but haven’t started carving the plates for yet (soon!!); c) a zine that i actually started in 2018 and then stalled on because i didn’t have any ideas for it that’s essentially a 60s-style catalogue for the stylish spacefarer. do i know when any of these will be done? noooooooope! but they’re on my radar, and the process for all three has already been started.

i’ll post more about those three projects when i make more progress- it’s slow going right now but hopefully with winter coming up i’ll be more productive with personal stuff. in the meantime i’m drawing like so many worms all the time and also working my day job, which is surprisingly fun though mildly stressful.

let me know what you think and if there’s anything in particular you’d like to hear about my process/my art/my life and i’ll add it to next post! going to try to get these out weekly. yell at me if i don’t update them sooner.

xo, thirtybirds.