

blog… news… upcoming events…

updates 2

spring has sprung, officially! yay! thank GOD!

with that exuberance expressed i have even more to share with you. i am pleased to announce that i’m having a vernissage! it’ll be may 4-5 at the espace pop in montreal, and i’ll have paintings and prints on display as well as for sale. come on by! look at some art! hang out! ask me questions or something!

i went around yesterday putting up a bunch of these around the mile end/little italy, so if you see one and go oh man nice then i guess you know why. also if you’re seeing this blog post because of these posters, hi! I Hope You Like The Stuff I Have On Display.

apart from the above not that much is going on- i finished a big fuckoff painting this morning that will be displayed at the show, and am hoping to take photos of it soon. it’s been nice to be able to really coalesce the ideas that i want to portray in my painting practice. i’ve also settled on how i want to make the lifting zine, which is going to ideally be more of a comic. i need to get some stuff together for that- namely, i need to print out or have printed for me a bunch of squares that i can use as panels. it’s the most difficult part of getting myself to draw comics, but once i can get past that everything should come together pretty smoothly. i’m hoping to have time to do that soon.

okay that’s all ive got!

blare coughlin