
 finished traditional drawings that are more than sketches.

“2 women”, 11”x8.5” pencil on tracing paper. did these for a zine and then they scanned really beautifully and now i think i might frame them as a diptych…

“sleep sack”, pen and ink. study for larger piece i think.

Better Safe Than Sorry
Graphite and coloured pencil on vellum, paper, thread

We Know He Loves You The Best
Ink and graphite on vellum, coloured pencil on card, tape.

Intervening Space
Acrylic on card, coloured pencil on card, ink on acetate sheet, cotton bias tape, thread.

assorted Pathetics, to be wrangled into a larger piece soon…

carnations/learning how to draw carnations.

sketching out idea for “…Prey Animal Panic” that i wasn’t totally sure about. still figuring out how to draw flames w/ rapidographs.

cars on fire are a strong immediate symbol of hegemonic destruction to me. the fancier the car the better, but also the harder to find good reference images.

edgy rapidograph drawing of an exacto knife because it was on my desk

first riffing on the concept. it’s so clear that this was a mold for a bunny but it got painted as some sort of dog thing.

little ceramic horse, in better shape than the others. less pathetic. very fun to draw

the "it's digestible" was actually a big marketing thing at the time- a lot of hydrogenated oils that came out on the market, shortenings and early margarines, weren't digestible. they essentially passed through your body untouched, resulting in the same kind of Extremely Gross bowel movements as one may have experienced with the 90s food additive Olestra. which you will, coincidentally, notice is now very unpopular. how about that

anyway crisco's digestibility and slick texture made it, among other things, the go-to lube for underground fisting dungeons from the 70s and beyond. however as it is oil based it is not fit for use with condoms, so it's largely fallen out of favour since the aids crisis. it is an indelible part of gay history and, yes, won't make you have weird poops.

a beautiful minotaur. later turned into a risograph print!

kind of a jenny holzer thing to say but i really enjoy the deeply pathetic vibe of kitschy ceramic figurines. especially the ones that were mass produced and painted weirdly because nobody who made them really cared all that much. i think they’re going to end up featuring a lot in the art i’m planning on making about gay stuff.

the most forlorn thing of all time

genuinely i couldn’t capture the sadness of this image properly no matter how i tried. the offset eyes… the crooked nose/mouth… the stripes…

everybody loves twenty dollars, including me.